Sunday, February 1, 2009

If home is where the heart is then we're all just fucked

Pictures of the day. Crazy awesome sunset at Union Lake today on the way home. It was cold all day. Very cold. I was out in it a lot today between disc golf and taking pictures.

I got to the lake at just the perfect time as this was happening. I forgot my tiny tripod again but luckily it was light enough to get some good shots without it.

The outdoors wasn't the only place I got the cold shoulder tonight.. That wasn't very good, but neither was what it's referring to. It's stupid. It's all better now, or I hope so anyway. Halfway to AC we turned around and came back. Side of the road. Flashers. State Trooper. Colder inside than out.. both ways I guess. It's warming up again though. Let's keep the heat on for a while.

PS... I'm ready for spring to come back already.

"And I want it so bad I'd shoot the sunshine into my veins
I can't remember
the good old days...."
~Fall Out Boy

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