Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm not listening

It was a warm day, unfortunately spent mostly inside. Work then class. It's nice outside still and it's after midnight. I love the warm nights. They are really my favorite thing, being able to be outside when it's night time with a t-shirt on. I was feeling weird this afternoon. I couldn't wait to have a few drinks and chill out. Lots of mellow music as I walked around campus thinking. Music really brings back memories and conjures up new feelings that I don't understand some of the time. I had a nice reprieve for a while tonight with some friends but now I feel strange again and listening to The Used is making some strange thoughts come up. I'll just go to bed. That's my quick fix.

"Lights out! I can't stand to hear you scream
While we were making love I was fast asleep
If your heart's still beating it must be the blood
If your lungs are still working it must be the mud
If its still light out than a kick in the ribs
And today's worth living, it probably is
~The Used

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