Friday, October 10, 2008

Spreading germs

As midterms rapidly approach, I am spending much time procrastinating. I don't know why I can't heed the logical advice I would give anyone else and do my work a little at a time. Instead, I update blogs, watch House repeatedly and play disc golf for hours. I know it will come to the day or two before papers, paintings and sketchbooks are due and I will be up to stupid hours doing them when I have to be up early the next morning. As I type this I'm thinking I'll start to work on my sketchbook at least, since I have to do 42 self portraits in it before next Tuesday, so I could do 4 a day or just do a bunch all at once now and have it done. The papers I have to write shouldn't be too hard though. I would look forward to them more if they weren't on a subject I pretty much hate: art.

I saw Choke the other day. It wasn't bad but I think I need to watch it again further from when I read the book so it's not so fresh in my mind.

What else can I say that will waste more time? I published my newest short story on my other blog. Short (but Girthy). Go look at it and leave comments. I know you won't but I feel like I have to say it.

Maybe it's time to go.

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