Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Saint Debate

It seems like forever since I have updated on a computer and not with my phone. I have been busy.. sort of.. with school and work. I went to see New Found Glory last night. They were great as usual. They made it a point to play only fast songs. I have several bruises and a sore neck today but Chuck and I had a great time. It seems like it's been a while since I've been to a show so it was a lot of fun.

Today, Nate and I went to see Miracle at Saint Anna. I would recommend this movie to anyone. I thought it was great. It felt timeless to me. It didn't have any kind of special effects or anything to make it easy to identify when it was filmed and I really liked that. It was a long movie but I didn't even notice because I was into it so much. Check it out.

I have a lot of homework to do in the next week or so and I am also trying to work on songs, videos and some reading. I have been up tonight watching/listening to the presidential debate that I missed last night. I know I'm biased but I feel like Obama has a much better argument on a lot of things and I don't know if John McCain is just a bad public speaker or if he just really doesn't know a lot of thing, but he always seems to be mixing things up. In any case, the debate was good and I'm looking forward to the next one.

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